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Camp Dedication

Remarks made by Tom Crosby, brother of George C. Crosby
on the December 16th 1971 Dedication

George C. Crosby 1911-1964

Note: The first  property was acquired in 1966, with more purchases later; official dedication didn't occur until December 16th 1971.

Today, you have here several members of my brother, George’s family, and one very close business associate. My brother, Sumner, is a professor at Yale University; my sister, Polly Case, is a Wayzata, - she and her husband have raised four children, and Good-ness knows how many grandchildren. Chris Crosby, George’s eldest son, and Richard, the second son, both live in Denver.

Frank Weck, who was associated with the Crosby Company as President for many years, worked with George.

Back in 1911, many if not most children, were born at home. Such was the case with George, who was born in November at 2120 Park Ave. The sixth of 7 children, he had a very happy childhood, with the exception of a bad accident which severely cut both of his hands when he was about 11 years old. It took great courage for him to overcome this handicap, which he did, and five or six years later was an expert tennis player and was competent on the golf course.

After college, he entered the family business, then known as the S. T. McKnight Company, and soon found that the business-world in genera, and investments in particular, were much to his liking. Until the time of his death, he was most important to all of us, in many ways.

Not only was his financial advice very wise, but his activities spread into many other areas. He spent untold hours in politics, not only in the dismal area of raising money, but more important, in persuading certain men to run for office, and then helping in the formulation of policies at both State and National levels. His brilliance and understanding were recognized on many different business and civic boards such as the First National Bank, Parmers and Mechanics Bank and the Weyerhaeuser Company; Carleton College, and United Hospital Fund, the Minneapolis Foundation and Dunwoody Industrial Institute.

He was carried away by a heart attack at the early age of 53. His greatest interest in his last 7 or 8 years was natural history and conservation, and particularly their effect on young people.

So, it is most appropriate that his family has been able to help. In some way, at Camp Heritage (now known as Camp Stearns). It is just exactly what would have made him the happiest, - seeing 5,000 or 10,000 Scouts exposed to the beauties and mysteries of nature in this lovely place.


Last Update Saturday April 01, 2023 05:32 PM

Stearns Staff Alumni Association
Stearns Scout Camp ~ Northern Star Council BSA
Viking Council
South Haven, Minnesota

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